Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Farewell to Civil Peace for the Ukraine - 1557 Words
The Ukraine is already in a civil war type state; this is due to the economic downfall of the country. The Ukraine was given two options, join with the EU or join with Russia, but there are downsides to both options and the Ukraine is left to pick the lesser of two evils. This has split the country causing the citizens to not only fight with each other but also with the government. The situation has reached the point of no return and there seems to be little to no hope of civil peace in Ukraine. Citizens within the Ukraine do not want to join with Russia because they want to remain their own country but with Putin, an extreme authoritarian leader that will not happen. Putin had recently offered to give the Ukraine a loan of 15 billion dollars to get them out of debt; it is assumed that Putin wants to overtake the Ukraine because of the abundance of minerals. Also Russia is the Ukraine’s biggest trading partner, if the Ukraine was to join with the EU Russia will no longer have them as a trading partner. Other Ukrainians don’t want to join with the EU because they are having little to no success with the countries they have already overtaken. Greece is currently in a really bad state and is bringing down the euro with it, which has started to affect other countries in the EU like Italy. Joining with the EU right now does appear to be a wise choice do to the current situation; it could make their economy worse than it already is. The people of Ukraine are at a standstill andShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of George Washington s Farewell Address1009 Words  | 5 PagesProblem: In 1789 George Washington’s Farewell Address contained one major piece of advice to the county regarding relations with other nations: â€Å"avoid entangling alliances.†Those words shaped United States foreign policy for more than a century (Policy Making, American Government). Today some Americans think that Washington’s words are still wise ones, and that th e United States (U.S.) should withdraw from world affairs whenever possible. In truth, however, the United States has been embroiledRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pagessince Svetlana knows it’s raining there now. At least that’s what she heard. 24. Identify the implicit conclusion in this argument: Robert Smalls was assigned to the slave crew of a Confederate ship at Charleston, South Carolina during the U.S. Civil War. When all the officers had gone ashore, he seized control of the ship, put on a Confederate officer’s hat to hide his black face and sailed past the unsuspecting Confederate canons of Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor. Upon reaching the Union
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Googles Dominance Of The Digital World - 1096 Words
Google is undoubtedly one of the biggest companies of our time. The company’s search engine has become so popular that we don’t look up things on the Internet anymore, we ‘google’ them. The company’s conquest of the digital business world has led some to argue it’s not just an ordinary company anymore, but rather a monopoly. But what are monopolies and is Google a digital monopoly? If so, should regulators try to find a way to limit them? This guide will look at whether we should be worried about Google’s dominance in the digital world and why it might not be one of the world’s most invincible companies. What is a monopoly? Before we look into the evidence of Google as a monopoly, it is important to understand what a monopoly is. The word is often used in the media, but not always in its proper meaning. In its essence a monopoly is a situation in which only a single company or group has the ownership of nearly all or all of the market for the given product or service. Therefore, a monopoly is a situation where competition is absent. In a strict academic sense the extreme case of capitalism is characterised as a market containing a single operator. Such situation often results in increased prices and even inferior products as the group has no competition in the market. Because of this, monopolies are tightly controlled in the modern world and therefore the strict definition of monopoly is highly unlikely in the modern world. If a single company would control aShow MoreRelatedThe European Parliament s Quest For Limit Its Market Control1365 Words  | 6 PagesPerhaps the most critical approach to Google’s position has been the European Parliament’s quest to limit its market control. The company, which controls over 90% of searches in many European countries, has faced a number of legal challenges from the European Parliament in recent years. The European Union is known for its criticism of antitrust probes – it challenged Microsoft’s position as a market leader a few years ago. It has since turned its attention towards Google and criticised the searchRead MoreApplication Assignment : Strategic Assessment Essay1728 Words  | 7 PagesSuccess Factors Google’s Primary NAICS is 518111 – Internet Service Providers. Google also has various secondary NAICS such as 511210 – Software Publishers, 541890 – Other Services related to Advertising, 519130 – Internet publishing and broadcasting and web search portals, 541511 – Custom Computer Programming Services and 541519 – Other Computer Related Services. In reviewing the key business activity of Google, Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals, Google’s main competitorsRead MoreGoogle s Country Experiences : France, Germany, Japan1637 Words  | 7 PagesMakala Young, Andrea Hollis, Devona van Norden September 30, 2014 Comprehensive Case 1 Google’s Country Experiences: France, Germany, Japan A search engine is designed to help people find information stored on the World Wide Web. There are differences in the way various search engines work, but they all perform the same basic functions. They search the internet-or selected pieces of the internet based on certain keywords. A search engine analyzes the contents of each page to determine how it shouldRead MoreGoogle s Legal And Ethical Controversy2519 Words  | 11 PagesDefining Google’s Legal and Ethical Controversy ‘Just Google it’â€â€a saying that has become an integral part of everyday vocabulary. The worlds most popular search engine can provide people, worldwide with access to information that otherwise would not be available. Whether you’re looking to find pictures of the Holi celebration in India or find a local NYC eatery where you can have brunch, with just a click of a button, Google always has an answer. Despite the greatness that Google has broughtRead MoreIs Google Making Us Stupid2259 Words  | 10 Pagesthe most powerful website in the world and is it becoming too powerful? From the article called â€Å"Google’s Dominance†by David Hatch from the CQ researcher claims that its competitors are becoming extra cautious as the Silicon Valley icon which has the â€Å"Don’t be Evil†motto strengthens its dominance worldwide. Google, the one time super darling of Silicon Valley, still has very important friends from Washington. But the bad part of the whole deal is that Google’s support in political circles is steadilyRead MoreAmazon, Apple, And Google Case2883 Words  | 12 PagesGoogle 1 eRetailing Market (General Merchandise, Digital Media Storage Purchasing, and Platform for3rd Party Sellers) X X X 2 Online Advertising Market (Search, Display, audiences / Social Networking, Ads Distribution Platforms, Mobile) X X X X 3 Cloud Computing Cloud Storage X X 4 Mobile Market (App Ecosystems for 3rd Party Developers, Mobile Hardware, and Mobile OS, Adverstising) X X X X Fig 1. Contesters Boundaries The Tech industry is a world where every player is encroaching on everyRead MoreSamsung Owns The Market Right Now Essay1344 Words  | 6 PagesSamsung owns the market right now. Samsung is one of the biggest smartphone manufacturers in the world. They also sell all kinds of other products. Their focus is of course on their Android smartphone/tablet/wearables business. Samsung grew at an incredible rate over the years to become what it is now. They outsell even Apple when it comes to smartphone/tablet sales. The company pivots and produces quickly, coming out with a variety of devices. It sees what the market responds to, pushes successesRead MoreApple, Google, Microsoft2264 Words  | 10 PagesEach firm brings billions of dollars of spare cash to the fight. In this triangular fight, at one point or another, each firm has befriended one of the other firms to mobile world. Apple, Google and Microsoft already compete in an assortment of fields. Google has a huge edge in advertising, thanks to its dominance in Internet search. Microsofts offering, Bing, has grown to about 10 percent of the search market, and the rest essentially belongs to Google. Apple is the leader in mobile softwareRead MoreGoogle Inc : It s Best Known Company For The Internet Users Of The World Essay1765 Words  | 8 PagesStanford University in computer science. After World Wide Web conference in 1998 they received fund about $30 Million. Google went public in 2004 with $1.6 billion rising. Enhanced by its search engine algorithms, has a lot of partnership companies around the world. By 2006 it started acquiring other companies like YouTube for $1.65 billion. It is probably the world’s best-known company for pioneering the search engine for the internet users of the world. Furthermore, Google playing a main role in someRead MoreAnalysis of Apple Inc According to Porters Fi ve Forces1426 Words  | 6 PagesThe Apple Company According to Porters Five Forces Introduction: Apple, Inc. is widely recognized as one of the most innovative technology firms in the world. It owes much of this reputation to the identity of its leadership, and particularly to the sweeping changes wrought by the re-emergence of company co-founder Steve Jobs. For its remarkable influence, its exemplary leadership and its constant evolution as a researcher and developer of technological innovations, Apple is an ideal multinational
Monday, December 9, 2019
Building Relationships for Effective Ministry free essay sample
The following statement is worth noting; The better we are at interpreting the culture, the fewer conflicts we will experience, the more we will be able to build authentic relationships, and the greater will be our ability to communicate Gods truth (p. 14). Secondly, the presentation of Western cultures versus two-third world cultures clearly brings out the vastness of differences in cultures and the books is basically written for Western audience to help them understand this cultural differences.It may be noted however, that even within the areas covered by the two-third world group, there are again various different cultures and the people within this group have their own struggles in their intercultural relationships. Thirdly, the writer is able to bring out from his vast knowledge and experience the intricate complexity of human culture which in itself is a great asset for anyone intending to venture out for any form of intercultural exposure. It will also be to their benefit to take note of the various methods and approaches to solve cultural conflicts.Fourthly, the statement of the writer Diversity is rooted in the creative activity of God (p. 23), most probably need a deeper investigation. The main cause of human cultural diversity begins with the Babel dispersion when God suddenly made them speak in different languages and they could not understand each other anymore (Gen. 11 12). Since the language breakup is evidently caused by their evil intention, should the language breakup be considered a curse or a boon?While instances of Gods acknowledgement and appreciation of ethnic and cultural diversities are plenty in the bible, a proper connection or explanation need to be made with the origin of human languages at the Babel dispersion. Fourthly, the method of Bruce Olson, a missionary to the Indians in Colombo, in helping the witch doctor to heal the eyesore with Terramycin in order to avoid a possible conflict with her seems to pose certain complication. In such culture witch doctors are feared and respected because they are known to possess evil power.They are often opposed to the work of the missionaries as their successful ministries naturally means they will lose their followers. The battle is usually the witch doctor versus the missionaries. In such a situation helping the witch doctor to heal the eyesores with medicine may definitely help save the witch doctors face and avoid the possible conflict. But on the other hand, Bruce Olson is helping the witch doctor to gain more trust from her people while as a missionary one of his responsibilities should have been delivering the people from the clutches of such witch doctors.Appreciation: My reading of this book has led me to look at intercultural conflict in a different perspective. Being from the north east part of India where intercultural relation is a very delicate issue, we never look from a missions point of view. As church leaders, our concern is in building peaceful relations between various ethnic groups in order to avoid a possible flare up of ethnic war and initiate peaceful negotiations in the event that conflict arise between ethnic groups.This book has not only helped me see conflict resolution from a mission perspective but also helps me realize the importance of the issue of conflict resolution in a much wider scope. Secondly, I am amazed how the writer has been able to bring out the relevance of conflict resoluti on for Christians from the bible itself. From the statement that God was, in fact, involved in the greatest conflict in history, a conflict that was cosmic in scope. (p. 7), the subsequent description of Jesus death on the cross to resolve the conflict between God and man and also references to many biblical instances of conflict resolution is definitely helpful. In a setting where I come from many Christians are of the opinion that negotiating peace between two conflicting groups can only be solved by the government and the church need not be involved. This is true in a sense that the government has the resources to come up with some financial packages to compensate the loss suffered due to the conflict which the church is often unable to do. Thirdly, all third world countries will be well aware of the practice of bribes in having things done in offices. Many Christians in these countries have taken this as normative and no longer regard it as something sinful. However, the way the writer presents the importance of not to give in to such practices and coming up with an idea of within forty-eight hours of obtaining your request you return to that official expressing your ratitude and possibly with a gift that would be fitting to his or her status and service to you (p. 91) is a very practical way of dealing with the issue of bribe. Fourthly, one thing that makes this book so credible is the numerous case studies used to prove and explain the points. The case study of the Israelites in the matter of the construction of an altar by the two and half tribes mentioned in chapter 11 of the book helps me learn one lesson.As the famous English proverb says, A stitch in time saves nine a timely few words of explanation of intent t o Joshua would have avoided the unnecessary initial anger and confrontation even though it did not result in a conflict. We need to learn that many unnecessary hurt and conflict could be avoided if we all take time to speak and share things to the people concern. Relevance: This book managed to bring out one of the most important dimension of Christian mission.In fact, it may not be an exaggeration to say that the success of ones ministry in a cross-cultural setting will depend a lot on how well we master and practice this art of cross-cultural conflict resolution. Therefore as long as human beings exist in various cultural situations and as long as the need for intercultural interaction is required, the book will continue to remain an asset for anyone who is serious about his or her business. This book is a must-read for every Christian leader, pastors and missionaries.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The African American Woman Her Challenges And Identity Essay Sample free essay sample
African American adult females believe that even though we are knowing and are adept. we are discriminated from the society and are non treated every bit as the white people. African Americans have been contending for freedom to exert their rights including the fact that we are eligible as citizen in America and that we are treated every bit in the society. Peoples should esteem the African American race. the award due to the African American’s place should be punctually accorded to him/her every bit at when due since we are besides citizens ; we should non in any manner be deprived of such chances as better life conditions. good occupation pick and instruction merely as our white opposite number enjoy. It is merely unfortunate that the African American still suffer from societal unfairness and unfair societal construction. In this perennial combat over a long period of clip. African American adult females are faced face struggle between world and political orientation: political orientation implies that society wants to acknowledge African Americans as citizen. We will write a custom essay sample on The African American Woman: Her Challenges And Identity Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page but world is that African American are still treated ill. ignored as a black race. and deemed an insulted civilization. What makes it worse is that some of African American Women deny our individuality. they dream as if they are white. and have desire to copy the white people. In the essay â€Å"Task of Negro Womanhood†. Elise Johnson McDonougald efficaciously shows the jobs which African American adult females have struggled with. and besides the basic ground for the jobs. McDougal argues that African American adult females want to look white society adult females and the chief ground could be connected to Nella Larsen’s novel â€Å"Passing†. In the novel. there are two African American adult females: one is named â€Å"Clare†who passed into â€Å"white society†as get marrieding with white. and the other is â€Å"Iren†who does non. but want to populate like â€Å"Clare†. The fresh describes that each adult females have different determination about â€Å"passing†after: it shows their troubles with respects to lost individuality. which is associated with insecurity of life status and a host of complicated feelings ; these two contrasting characters reflect the jobs of African American adult fem ales outlined in McDougal’s essay.
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