Sunday, May 24, 2020
A Student Lesson Plan for Writing Story Problems
This lesson gives students practice with story problems by teaching them how to write their own and solve the problems of their classmates. The plan is designed for third-grade students. It requires 45 minutes and additional class periods. Objective Students will use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to write and solve story problems. Common Core Standard Met This lesson plan satisfies the following Common Core standard in the Operations and Algebraic Thinking category and the Representing and Solving Problems Involving Multiplication and Division subcategory. This lesson meets standard 3.OA.3: Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem. Materials White paperColoring pencils or crayonsPencil Key Terms Story problemsSentencesAdditionSubtractionMultiplicationDivision Lesson Introduction If your class uses a textbook, choose a story problem from a recent chapter and invite students to come up and solve it. Mention to them that with their imaginations, they could write much better problems, and will do so in todays lesson. Instruction Tell students that the learning target for this lesson is to be able to write interesting and challenging story problems for their classmates to solve.Model one problem for them, using their input. Begin by asking for two student names to use in the problem. Desiree and Sam will be our examples.What are Desiree and Sam doing? Going to the pool? Getting lunch at a restaurant? Going grocery shopping? Have the students set the scene as you record the information.Bring the math in when they decide what is going on in the story. If Desiree and Sam are getting lunch in a restaurant, maybe they want four pieces of pizza, and each piece is $3.00. If they are grocery shopping, maybe they want six apples at $1.00 each, or two boxes of crackers at $3.50 each.Once the students have discussed their scenarios, model how to write a question as an equation. In the above example, if you want to find the total cost of the food, you may write 4 pieces of pizza X $3.00 X, where X represents the t otal cost of the food.Give students time to experiment with these problems. Its very common for them to create an excellent scenario, but then make mistakes in the equation. Continue working on these until they are able to create their own and solve the problems that their classmates create. Assessment For homework, ask students to write their own story problem. For extra credit, or just for fun, ask students to involve family members and get everyone at home to write a problem, too. Share as a class the next dayâ€â€its fun when the parents get involved. Evaluation The evaluation for this lesson can and should be ongoing. Keep these story problems bound in a three-ring binder in a learning center. Continue adding to it as students write more and more complex problems. Make copies of the story problems every so often, and collect these documents in a student portfolio. The problems are sure to show the students growth over time.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Significance Of The Statue Of Khafre - 1621 Words
Envision a world where the single purpose in life was to obey the gods who indirectly controlled people through your king. Rituals, duties, and praising were all part of a manifest to pass the tests of the Underworld to achieve eternal life after death. While this may seem like a radical lifestyle to us, this was how the real world was for the civilians during the Ancient Egyptian times. To truly express their fondness and devotion to the gods, people constructed works of art to represent this; remembrances of their collective significant figures in their locality were highly practiced in order to please them. In particular, the State of Khafre was created to honor their deceased king who held significant power in their society as a part of their funeral liturgy. It epitomized the repercussion he held over his nation and the respect he had acquired. The Statue of Khafre did not just illustrate a polytheistic community, but it also prompted the civilians to be respectful towards their god whom were expressed with kings through their practice of rituals, and additionally exhibited how their religion was ultimately integrated as an essential part of life. In the typical life of an Egyptian citizen, one was constantly being influenced by their gods and goddesses because of his or her belief in a polytheistic religion. The gods and goddesses were believed to have power over the forces and elements over nature, and myths about them explained the connection they had between theirShow MoreRelatedGreat Sphinx of Giza1422 Words  | 6 Pagesdegree of erosion that has claimed the original detail of the carved figure. The face of the Great Sphinx has been thought to be pharaoh Khafre s face Fascinatingly, the features of the face of the Sphinx has a far more striking resemblance to an older brother of Khafre, the Pharaoh Djedefre . 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The most commonly known types of ancient Egyptian art are types like paintings, ceramics, and sculptures. Not only is Egyptian art beautiful, but it carries a huge deal of value and significance with it. A great portion of the time, the art has some kind of religious meaning to it. Consequently it is very difficult to discuss the art itself without delving into the various gods and goddesses presented in it. Something that particularlyRead MoreHistory And Theory : Ancient Egyptian Architecture3481 Words  | 14 Pagesdevelopment of the mastaba into a much larger grander tomb that really kick starts the interest in pyramids and the contest between the generations of pharaohs for the most spectacular tomb. The stepped pyramids construction is something of more significance to s how how the pyramids not only evolved in shape but in construction. 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Again we see the characteristics of Narmer still being represented as the standard for human figures with the sculpture Khafre enthroned (Figure3). Khafre is depicted sitting upright on a throne formed of two stylized lions while lotus and papyrus plants appear between the legs symbolizing a united Egypt. The sculpture being made from the stone diorite is known to be remarkably hard andRead MoreComparing Mexicos Pyramids to Egypts3404 Words  | 14 Pagespyramids of the ancient Egyptians and those of the Maya were constructed for entirely different purposesÂâ€"another indicator that those of the Maya were not inspired by those of the Egyptians. The Egyptian pyramids were burial sites of religious significance. They were constructed to protect the mortal remains of the pharaohs, who were regarded as deities, and were designed to ensure the smooth passage of the pharaohs spirits to the gods in the heavens. Because the Egyptians bel ieved that the soulRead MoreThe Birth of Civilization18947 Words  | 76 Pages1 The Birth of Civilization Mohenjo-Daro Figure. Scholars believe this limestone statue from about 2500 B.C.E. depicts a king or a priest from Mohenjo-Daro in the Indus valley in present-day Pakistan. Does this figure seem to emphasize the features of a particular person or the attributes of a particular role? Hear the Audio for Chapter 1 at CRAIMC01_xxxii-031hr2.qxp 2/17/11 3:22 PM Page xxxii EARLY HUMANS AND THEIR CULTURE page 1 WHY IS â€Å"culture†considered a defining
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
3G Services in India Free Essays
India’s much awaited third generation (3G) mobile services auction was reschedule to February 2010 as we shared in our earlier news. Before the long expected 3G auctions, telecom experts advised prospective operators to search for the High-end customers in their existing subscriber base and prepare to them to shift to high speed download with the 3.5G that the third generation spectrum would facilitate. We will write a custom essay sample on 3G Services in India or any similar topic only for you Order Now The telecom expert’s view at a 3G India Mobile Operators Executive Summit was that the new service could lead to explosive 3G growth in India with low cost UMTS enable mobile phones. It would enable cheaper download of several applications like Mobile TV, Video clips of films and Sports like Cricket, Education network Gaming and Entertainment; for hi-end users, voice and video callings would be cheaper on 3G. The State run telecom operator Bhart Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd (MTNL) who have been providing 3Gmobile services for some months and still only licensees to provide the 3G mobile and broadband service in India, enlightened the operators assembled with their own experience in the much hyped 3G domain. India’s First 3G mobile service operator MTNL ’s Chief General Manager (Wireless Services-Delhi), A. K. Bhargava pointed out how the problem was not in technology but in ancillary services like billing and customer management. â€Å"The customer does not care whether it is 3G or 2G; we have to educate him on what benefits to expect from 3G.†MTNL had fewcustomers to begin with but once the benefits were explained â€Å"we had one lakh new 3G customers in just a month†. The higher tariff at the beginning restricted usage but â€Å"when tariff came down, customer base multiplied†, he added. His view was that â€Å"it was too early to talk of 3G services becoming popular with bottom of the pyramid customers.†But for the service to be profitable, the customer search should include middle level users as well as hi-end ones. The potentialcustomers could be preselected from the existing subscriber base and told about what 3G could mean to each one of them. The MTNL executive suggested that operators must project 3G as a tool for enhancing efficiency, productivity and as promoting a changed life style and not as a mere upgrade on 2G. According to the BSNL principal general manager for value added services, Mr. S. S. Sirohi, 3G would be most popular with those who need to use Internet while on the move. â€Å"Download is quick with 3G bandwidth†he pointed out taking a leaf out of his company’s offer of 3G services in the last few months. Live TV would be most popular and also network games with 3G availability. Mr. Sirohi advised theprospective operators to offer a bouquet of services on 3G different from the ones they were so far offering on the 2G networks. â€Å"Opportunity for network games is enormous on 3G networks. This bouquet of services would drive the quest for rising average revenue per user†. Among other services that 3G would make popular, would be family services like multi-media. Operators should configure services before they begin to offer the higher bandwidth. Educate the customer to discover that for many of the hi-end services, 3G base would be much cheaper for him. The experts also wanted the cost of handsets that can enable use of 3G, to be cheaper than what they are today. â€Å"A handset costing Rs 5,000 may not be cheap by our standards†Mr. Bhargava pointed out. â€Å"It should come down to Rs.3000 or even less.†Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) member R. N. Prabhakar advised the operators to use existing 2G networks to transmit 3G service also, to reduce costs enabling them with right software. HSPA enabled networks would be able to handle 3G transmission. He assured mobilecustomers that the regulator would keep a watch on the quality of service of 2G operation even as networks move on to provide 3G services. Mr. Avner Amran, chief operating officer of leading 3G network provider TTI Telecom, a worldwide company with comprehensive 3G network operator service solutions experience in several continents likened the explosive growth of telecomin India as â€Å"more a kind of revolution than evolution, any operator going into 3G needs to prepare for the switching by advance preparation of the potential customer and lining up adequate applications†, he told a select audience at the summit organised by Bharat Exhibitions.Bharat Exhibitions MD Mr. Shashi Dharan said â€Å"3G about to become a reality from a dream†emphasizing the context of the event. The 3G auctions are expected to conclude by February There will be three type of customers to drive 3G in india†¦. 1. Business people using phones as Data Modem. Some thing similar to Reliance NetConnect or Tata Photon+. Pricing should be comparable to exiting broadband plans. 2. Connected Generation which needs to own one device to manage there social networks e.g. skype,twitter,facebook and always connected. 3. Parents of IT generation the great Indian Middle class who can always do with easy to use video phone services. 1. This delay of over three years has deprived Indian subscribers of the benefits of high-speed mobile data services, which is proven to affect positively the domestic economy 2. 3G will permit to offer data related services and also some innovative video VAS services. Giving millions of people access to broadband Internet in a short span of time. 3. This is also an opportunity for Indian developers to join efforts with operators to develop applications that will meet the needs of the Indian mobile user. And because of the size and India software skills, these could be rolled out into other emerging markets. 4. Moving 3G will enable high-speed data transfer enhance the user experience on services like live video streaming and many other graphic formats. As 3G is packet based, it uses wireless spectrum more efficiently than circuit switched formats. 5. The slow data transfer problems that subscribers faced with 2.5G will be improved by 3G. Also other services will be benefited by the higher bit pipe provided by 3G like music download or Internet applications/search. It will help operators offer rich content and new services such as mobile commerce, mobile music, video-based services and hi-speed mobile Internet services 6. One of the biggest benefits for operators in India for launching 3G is to provide additional spectrum for voice services. Many operators are starved of spectrum and as 3G offers four to five times the voice capacity of 2G spectrums, it is a cost-effective tool to deliver voice 7. Still India has a Poor broadband penetration (as of March 2008 there were only 6.22 million broadband subscriptions). mainly because the large untapped rural market. Is a big challenge to provide high bandwidth in rural areas using fixed lines. With 3G, network operators can offer wireless broadband services. Empowering services like telemedicine, virtual marketplace and e-learning can help to make people’s life better. 8. According to (FICCI), in India, 3G subscriber base is expected to reach 90 million by 2013, accounting for 12% of the overall wireless user base. By 2013, 3G service revenues are expected to generate $15.8 billion, accounting for a share of 46% in overall wireless service revenue. There will also be an increase in the share of non-voice services, including data card access, and short messaging service. The Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) from these services is expected rise from the present 9% to nearly 23%.†2010. The Indian telecommunications industry is the world’s fastest growing telecommunications industry,[1][2][3] with 688.38 Million telephone (landlines and mobile) subscribers and 652.42 Million mobile phone connections as of July 2010 [4] It is also the second largest telecommunication network in the world in terms of number of wireless connections after China.[5] The Indian Mobile subscriber base has increased in size by a factor of more than one-hundred since 2001 when the number of subscribers in the country was approximately 5 million[6] to 652.42 Million in July 2010.[4] As the fastest growing telecommunications industry in the world, it is projected that India will have 1.159 billion mobile subscribers by 2013.[7][8][9][10] Furthermore, projections by several leading global consultancies indicate that the total number of subscribers in India will exceed the total subscriber count in the China by 2013.[7][8] The industry is expected to reach a size of 344,921 crore (US$76.23 billion) by 2012 at a growth rate of over 26 per cent, and generate employment opportunities for about 10 million people during the same period.[11] According to analysts, the sector would create direct employment for 2.8 million people and for 7 million indirectly.[11] In 2008-09 the overall telecom equipments revenue in India stood at 136,833 crore (US$30.24 billion) during the fiscal, as against 115,382 crore (US$25.5 billion) a year before. How to cite 3G Services in India, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Progress Report-Free-Samples for
Question: Your boss wants you to experience all facts of administration and so has asked you to reply to the E-mail. Using the indirect approach, write a refusal e-mail to this patron, applying what you have learned about sending negative messages. Be sure to include any alternative you can offer this faithful customer. Answer: To Ms. Ruby From Associate Manager Humber North Campus Dear Ms. Ruby This mail is regarding your claim request that we have received related to the loss of your personal belongings in the college campus. We are sorry to learn that you have lost your bag pack as I can imagine how disappointed you have been after discovering the loss of your essential materials that you have prepared for your semester. I can completely understand that it is indeed a big loss for you. I am certain that you are aware of the Humber college policies that are posted on the wall at the entrance which highlights that the management is not responsible for the loss of any personal belongings (Garcia-Retamero and Dhami 2013). We regret to inform you that owing to the college policies we are unable to pay you for your loss but since you are a faithful and a regular patron of our college we would be happy to offer price reductions on the books that you need to prepare for your semester. You may visit the book store in our college campus and provide Mr. Pebbles, our book store keeper with the price reduction coupons and purchase your required books at reduced price (Karapanos 2013). I hope this would compensate the loss that have suffered, if not completely, but to a certain extent and help you prepare for your semester and I hope that this maintains the positive relationship that persists between you and the college. If you have further queries do not hesitate to respond to this letter Sincerely, Mandy Sandhu (Associate Manager) Humber College Ph No: 905-671-6305 (Ext: 224) Email: Reference List Garcia-Retamero, R. and Dhami, M.K., 2013. On avoiding framing effects in experienced decision makers.The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology,66(4), pp.829-842. Karapanos, E., 2013. User experience over time. InModeling Users' Experiences with Interactive Systems(pp. 57-83). Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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